Devotional Thoughts
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Written with divine inspiration by ChandraShekhar Karwa

SYNOPSIS: The article focuses on the right use of human life and compares two lifestyles to identify which is best for us so that our human life becomes successful. READ THE FULL ARTICLE BELOW -

Two souls got human life. The first soul used human life to earn a lot of wealth, toured the world and spent his life in pomp and show. He did some good deeds, performed ordinary worship and led a prosperous family life and he enjoyed the favorable time. When he grew old, he encountered the problems of old age and few things started turning unfavorable. His body encountered diseases. His wife died and his children started dictating their terms. He breathed his last and his soul left the body and started a new journey.

The donations and good deeds he performed and the worship he did in his life led him to enjoy the luxuries of heaven. Then after their exhaustion, he went to hell and was given a torture body. The unaccounted wealth he earned and the sins he committed, the unmoral work he did, the wrongdoings he did to encounter competition in business lead him to undergo the torture of hell. After undergoing the torture in hell with the torture body and after getting cleaned, the soul got another birth.

On the strength of its past deeds, it may get the birth in any aerial, aquatic, terrestrial or flora body. For example, let us assume that it got birth in an animal body. Becoming an animal it experiences fear, needs food and wants coition. Being young, it is afraid that a bigger animal may kill it, after it gets adult it has to hunt for food and then with coition, it gets trapped into looking after a family. Not once but it did so in millions of bodies and this cycle of birth and death continued. The cycle of birth and death, heaven and hell continued.

The second soul who got the human body did his worldly affairs but did not take any special interest in it. Because his interest was in GOD and only GOD. The worldly affairs that he did were done for GOD and were surrendered to GOD. He worshiped, offered service and prayed to GOD with a full heart. He earned money just required for survival and foremost he earned the satisfaction wealth. The children were favorable and he had a happy family because the whole family was devoted to GOD. When old age came, he did not suffer any major disease. He did not require any service from anybody and happily, he left his body. He had done his prayers and had performed worship and with devotion had a habit of remembering GOD all through life. Therefore, at the deathbed, he continued to remember GOD and therefore got the companionship of GOD and his soul united with the Universal Soul. Then there was no cycle of birth and death for him and he was absolved from heaven and hell. He got a place straight in the Divine Lotus Feet of GOD. He was absolved of millions of birth and death and millions of visits to heaven and hell. The real purpose of human life was fulfilled because human life was only granted for attaining GOD.

Both the souls used human life but who was the winner. He who attained GOD was the winner. The one who had earned money, wealth, grandeur and fame in life but had failed to attain GOD did lose. On the contrary, the one who failed to earn money, wealth, grandeur and fame in life but has earned only and only devotion of GOD was a winner.

What conclusion we want depends on us. Do we want to get trapped in millions of bodies or do we want to be free from the cycle of birth and death, depends on us. Do we want to continue experiencing the happiness of heaven and torture of hell or do we want the companionship of GOD where we will permanently get Divine elated ecstasy, depends on us.

Therefore, we must keep our life’s direction in such a way that we are able to attain GOD in human life. This is the most successful use of human life. We have received this human life for fulfilling this purpose. If we make our life’s vision that we have to attain GOD, then only we will undertake the necessary means for it. Otherwise, this life would be wasted in vain and we will again be trapped in the cycle of birth and death, heaven and hell.

Therefore, we must try to attain GOD with devotion and we must take steps to progress in this direction so that we use human life rightfully.

English Translation vetted by Sheelnidhi Gupta